Monday, February 27, 2012

Our Round House

The first finished illustration for my new dummy is now done! I decided to carve the words into the image because they would be pretty easy to remove in photoshop if the text winds up changing. And I like making the text part of the final linocut.

I printed the black space pretty lightly with black oil-based ink. That let me paint over it with blue and purple watercolor to make it more interesting. Here's a close-up where you can see that a little better.

And here's a photo of the finished block right before I printed it. Now on to the next one!


  1. Jill, this turned out so beautifully! I LOVE the colors you used! And its so cool to see the carved block. :)

  2. Thank you Brooke! I was worried that the colors I used were too bright, but I sure do love those bright strong colors. :)

  3. Wow, this is fantastsic. If you hadn't said I would never have known that this was printed fvrom a carved block.

  4. Very awesome! You must have a steady hand.

  5. It's beautiful and I love seeing the carving. Remarkable.
