Saturday, September 16, 2017


This may be the most detailed large linocut I've ever done. I was nervous about tackling it all along, so I guess it's good I'm doing it early in the process of making this book. But it's taking forever! I also spent a chunk of time on an even larger project that is still in the early stages. I'll let you know about that as it gets farther along.

Below I'll share progress photos so at least you can see I've been doing something!

 First I take the drawing on paper and redraw it onto tracing paper.

Then I lay the tracing paper upside down on the block, rub the back with something hard, and transfer the lines. But the graphite doesn't stick that well, so I redraw all the lines on the block again so they will be visible no matter how many times my arm rubs over them while I'm carving.

 The drawing on the block and ready to carve!

 A detail of the girl and dog at the creek.

A detail of the tiny playground. Can you find it on the full drawing on the block?!

If you'd like to see more about this book I'm creating, you can check out the other blog on my website called Our Home. And you can subscribe for email updates over there!