Sunday, February 7, 2016

Favorite Trees

I wanted to share some of my favorite sketchbook pages from the last couple weeks of my 100 Trees project. Seeing them together, I realize I like the strong colors! I guess that shouldn't be a surprise. I like adding animals or people too, but most of the ones I made recently were painted in a way that didn't grab my eye when I was picking out these favorites.

I only have a month's worth of trees left to do and I'll be at 100!

I've also started working on my picture book dummy again after taking a break from it for a couple of months. I'm excited to see it develop. I will share some drawings as I have them. Thanks for checking in!


  1. That's neat that you're figuring out so much with this project, Jill! These are truly beautiful. Good luck with your book dummy!
