Saturday, February 27, 2016


I made a few new pieces quickly and out of curiosity this week. I'm getting better at making art on a whim and following my instincts. In the past I've mostly worked in a long, drawn-out process, like an entire book with years of critiques and rewrites behind it. Also, my usual medium is linocut and they take time. I've started feeling really good about this new combination of mixed-media techniques I'm using that can happen much faster than a linocut.

There was really no good reason to make these three little illustrated poems. I'm not trying to get them published, but I think I'm trying to get more comfortable sharing my writing even if it isn't perfect. So I made these and posted them on Facebook and Instagram. All of these were written in the past but rewritten this week, and the art is new. I hope you like them!


  1. These are wonderful, Jill! Your writing is lovely and so is your art. I especially love NIGHT WALK. Your poem and the colors are really beautiful. :)

    1. Thank you, Brooke! I appreciate your nice words. :)
