Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Adding the Future Text

I'm still working on my RMC SCBWI submission for the theme The Future is Now: Surviving and Thriving in Today’s Children’s Book Market. I hadn't planned the placement of the text  completely before I started carving the linocut. Oh, silly me. When I double checked the guidelines I realized the art is supposed to be 10x13 inches vertical. I can't believe I didn't pay more attention! Instead of starting over, I added on to my original drawing.

I laid out the text on the computer and then printed it on my printmaking paper. Next I made two new long skinny blocks and carved out the clouds and the comet for the top and bottom.

I'm not sure I'll be able to paint watercolor over the text from my Epson printer. When I tested it by putting a little water on it, it ran a tiny bit. I know there are types of ink that you can paint over, but I need to do some research to learn more about that. So, I made a couple prints with the text, and a couple without. I can always paint the linocut with watercolor and add the text at the end. Here are the three blocks and a couple of prints.

Next, on to the color! What are the colors of the future??


  1. Howdy Jill, your piece for the RMC SCBWI is looking great! I am also impressed by your quick save regarding the size specification.

    Your printer may not use the correct type of ink necessary for colorfastness. What model is your Epson?

    Again, great job! The prints look wonderful. :)

  2. Marsha- my printer is an Epson Stylus Photo R2880. The ink cartridges are "Ultra Chrome K3." I've painted over the ink before, but the lines were light and thin. The lettering on this one is really heavy! Didn't you talk about just this thing on your recent post about stretching paper?! I'd better go read it again.... :)
