Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bridge and Steamboat Ski Area

Here's the latest linocut for my series of Colorado cards. This is a view of a footbridge over the Yampa River with the Steamboat Ski Area in the background. There is a lovely walking path along the river that runs all the way through town. My dog and I walk here a couple times a week and I always enjoy the view. I will paint this print and post its finished version soon.
Here's a photo of the spot that the drawing is based on. I changed it up a little and tidied up the cottonwood trees.They sure are messy aren't they?!


  1. Hi Jill. I wandered over from Mother Reader. I love your work. It is absolutely magical! I will definitely stop by again...

  2. Jill, I'm so happy to find you. I will be following this blog to learn anything I can about lino cutting & mainly because I treasure your art style, simply amazing!

  3. Very cool! I've tried linocut and it's sooo hard to do well!

  4. Thanks for coming to visit and saying hi! It's so nice to meet you ladies!
